+255 733 370 600
Arusha, Tanzania

Training & Capacity Building

Training & Capacity Building

LUICO Training and Capacity Building is dedicated to enhancing the soft skills of SMEs and connecting them with various fields of study and professionalism to enrich their capacity. The programs offered by LUICO encompass sharing experiences with renowned institutions worldwide and conducting exposure programs.

The primary objective of LUICO’s training and capacity-building initiatives is to empower SMEs by equipping them with the essential soft skills needed for success in today’s competitive business landscape. These skills include effective communication, problem-solving, leadership, and adaptability, which are vital for SMEs to thrive.

Furthermore, LUICO’s programs facilitate a valuable exchange of knowledge and experiences between SMEs and prestigious international institutions. This interaction allows SMEs to gain insights, best practices, and innovative approaches from across the globe, thereby enhancing their professional development and competitiveness.

The exposure programs organized by LUICO provide SMEs with firsthand experience in various fields, enabling them to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations. This practical exposure is a key component in bridging the gap between academic learning and professional expertise.